New Publications from Rossier Faculty



Ahmadi, S., Cole, D., Castellanos, M., Manson, S., & Zhou, J. (2017). Hate Speech and Hate Crimes on Campus: Anti-Muslim Speech and Cyberbullying. The Applied Scholarship of Melvin C. Terrell. Information Age Publishing Incorporated.

Bensimon, E. M. “Bridging the Artificial Gap Between Activism and Scholarship to Form Tools for Knowledge.” (forthcoming) in Advancing equity, inclusiveness, and social change in higher education: How academics connect research, advocacy, and policy, edited by Perna, L.W. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

Malcom-Piqueux, L., Bensimon, E. “Taking Equity-Minded Action to Close Equity Gaps,” AAC&U’s Peer Review: 2017. 

*Fisher, O., *O’Donnell, S. C. & Oyserman, D. (2017) Identity-based motivation and social class. Current Opinions in Psychology, 18, 61-66. DOI: 10.1080/1047840X.2017.1337406 

*Fisher, O. & Oyserman, D. (2017). Assessing interpretations of experienced ease and difficulty as motivational constructs.  Motivational Science, 3(2), 133-163

Gehrke, S. & Cole, D. (In press). An Empirical Examination of the Relationship between Faculty Teaching Culture and Spiritual Development in College. Journal of College and Character.

Goodman, K. & Cole, D.  (Eds.) (In press). Supporting Students through Data-Driven Decision Making: Considerations for Student Affairs Practitioners. New Directions for Student Services: Supporting Students through Data-Driven Decision Making: Considerations for Student Affairs Practitioners. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Heddy, B. C. & Sinatra, G. M. (2017). Transformative parents: Facilitating transformative experiences and interest with a parent involvement intervention. Science Education, 101(5), 765-786.

Heddy, B. C., *Danielson, R. W., Sinatra, G. M., & Graham, J. (2017). Modifying knowledge, emotions, and attitudes about genetically modified foods. Journal of Experimental Education 85(3), 513-553.

Kim, James S., Mary A. Burkhauser, David M. Quinn, Jonathan Guryan, Helen Chen Kingston, and Kirsten Aleman. (2017). “Effectiveness of Structured Teacher Adaptations to an Evidence-based Summer Literacy Program.” Reading Research Quarterly.

Oyserman, D. & Schwarz, N. (2017). Conservatism as a situated identity: implications for consumer behavior Journal of Consumer Psychology, 27(4). 

Oyserman, D., *Lewis Jr., N. A., *Yan, V. X., *Fisher, O., *O’Donnell, S. C., & *Horowitz, E. (2017). An identity-based motivation framework for self-regulation. Psychological Inquiry, 28(2-3), 139-147.

Quinn, David M. and James S. Kim. (2017). “Scaffolding Fidelity and Adaptation in Educational Program Implementation: Experimental Evidence from a Literacy Intervention.” American Educational Research Journal.

Quinn, David M. (2017). “Racial Attitudes of PreK-12 and Postsecondary Educators: Descriptive Evidence from Nationally-representative Data.” Educational Researcher.

Quinn, David M. and Joe McIntyre. (2017). “Do Learning Rates Differ by Race/ethnicity over Kindergarten? Reconciling Results across Gain Score, First-Difference, and Random Effects Models.” Economics of Education Review, 59, 81-86.

Posted in Professional Development.