OCL Student Representative Committee Election Results

Dear OCL Students,


Thank you to all those that participated in the nomination and voting process for the OCL Student Committee Representative Committee. We are pleased to announce the following students as the newly elected OCL Student Representative Committee members for the 2022-2023 academic year:

  • Tony Holmes
  • Tiffany C. Jennings
  • Shante Lampkin
  • Greg Martinez
  • Angela Mathers

They will be joining returning Student Representative Committee members Lance Aja, Valencia Belle, Vanessa Marrero, Aristotle Mosier, and George Ramsey.

We would also like to thank outgoing members, Theresa Exum-Lucas and Gregory Carrow-Boyd, for their service on the student committee for the 2021-2022 academic year.

Congratulations, Trojans! We look forward to your partnership and contributions in this new 2022-2023 academic year.



EdD Program Office

Call for Nominations: 2022-2023 OCL Student Representative Position

Dear OCL Students:

We are soliciting nominations for OCL Student Representative Committee for 2022-23.   We would like to acknowledge the work of the initial ad-hoc student committee, that helped establish continued student representation within our OCL governing structure. This group was formed in response to student feedback at the June 2020 Forum where we gathered to honor and mourn the lives of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Nina Pop, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, Rayshard Brooks, and others lost due to systemic anti-Black racism and listen to student ideas about how to move toward meaningful action in the midst of our country’s racial reckoning.

In response to student desire for greater representation in decision-making structures at Rossier, the OCL Ad hoc Student Committee to Promote Racial Equity and Disrupt Anti-Blackness in the OCL Program was formed in the fall of 2020. This ad-hoc committee advised OCL Governance during the 2021-2022 school year. In this spirit of transparency and accountability to students, here is a list of the past committee’s action items, including Rossier’s progress toward meeting each goal. As one of these action items, OCL governance agreed to create a structure of sustained student advising to governance, with the input of the initial ad hoc committee.


OCL Student Representative Committee

The purpose of the student presentative committee is to work in partnership with OCL Faculty Governance Committee to promote racial equity and disrupt anti-Blackness in OCL, with particular focus on pedagogy and student experiences in the program.

We invite current OCL students to nominate themselves (or others) for the position of OCL Student Representative Committee Member. There will be five (5) open member positions. The appointment for this position will begin August 2022 and continue until May 2023. Please see attached document for more information about this appointment, including responsibilities and qualifications.

To nominate yourself or others, please use the following link: https://usc.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8u2185UePjao0Zw.  Nominations close on Sunday, July 24, 2022 at 11:59 pm PST. A separate link will be sent to you for voting, once the nomination window closes.

Please reach out to the EdD Program Office at rsoeedd@rossier.usc.edu with any questions.



EdD Program Office

Transition of OCL LMS to Canvas

Dear OCL Students:

We recognize how the technology supporting your online learning experience is critical for your success in the OCL program. We regularly review how we can evolve the online learning platform to better meet your needs, and as a result, will be transitioning away from the current 2SC platform to Canvas, starting with the Fall 2022 semester.

This new LMS is designed to give you more dynamic ways to engage with your course, faculty, and fellow students. You will be able to more easily access the latest features and new learning tools while in the program. Your faculty also have more flexibility to update your lessons and keep your learning relevant and fresh.

You will receive access to the new Digital Campus after registration in July. You will hear about next steps, trainings and resources, and more information about the transition from the Ed.D. Program Office and the student success team. The platform has a different layout and features, so after you receive access, we highly encourage you to attend a technical training to learn how to navigate it before courses kick off.

We are confident this will be a positive shift, and the OCL program and Rossier are working to make this transition as seamless as possible for you. Expect more emails about this transition in the weeks ahead.


The OCL Program Office

Important Information about Fall 2022 Schedules

Hello Trojans,


We hope everyone is having a wonderful week. This is a friendly reminder of the upcoming Fall 2022 schedules.

Registration Memos for Fall 2022 will be e-mailed to students on Monday, June 27, 2022. Fall registration for OCL students will begin on Monday, July 11, 2022 at 9:00am PST. You may refer to the schedules for Fall 2022 at https://classes.usc.edu/term-20223/classes/educ/, which will be published online on Monday, June 27, 2022.

Important dates for Fall 2022 are shared below:

  • June 27, 2022 – Registration Memos will be emailed to students
  • July 11, 2022 – Registration begins for OCL students (please note that this is after the university-wide registration date for Fall)
  • August 22, 2022 – First Day of Classes
  • September 9, 2022 – Add/drop deadline (drop without mark of “W”)
  • November 10, 2022 – Withdrawal Deadline (drop with mark of “W”)
  • December 3, 2022 – Last day of Classes
  • December 7-14, 2022 – Finals testing period

Please note that the university reserves the right to withdraw or change the hours of any course listed in the Schedule of Classes. Classes may be rescheduled or cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances or low enrollment.

Thank you, and please reach out to your Academic Advisor if you have any questions.



EdD Program Office

Leadership Transition in OCL

Dear OCL Students,


I am reaching out to share with you a new and exciting change in the leadership of the OCL Program.  Last fall, I shared with the Dean my intention to step down as OCL Governance Chair at the end of this fiscal year. The early discussions gave us time to thoughtfully plan and prepare for the transition.  I am so very pleased to announce that Dr. Courtney Malloy will be the new OCL Governance Chair starting July 1.  As many of you already know, Dr. Malloy brings her extensive experience in applied research into OCL through the courses she teaches and the dissertations she supervises.  I know the program will continue to thrive under her leadership.


When I became the chair at the beginning of the program, my intent was to remain in the position for four years or so.  The end of this June will mark 8 years in the position.  I remained as chair because I thought it was important to support several curricular and programmatic changes. Even though I am stepping down as program chair, I will continue to teach classes and advise dissertations in our doctoral programs.


Spring is always a time of reflection, as we look towards commencement, and reflect on the road traveled in the last year.  I am truly grateful to have interacted with so many wonderful students, staff, and faculty since the very first OCL cohort. I look forward to continuing to learn with and from you in your doctoral journeys.


With much gratitude,


Kim Hirabayashi, Ph.D.

Professor of Clinical Education

Chair, Organizational Change and Leadership Ed.D. Program

2021-2022 OCL Student Representative Committee – Open Position

March 25, 2022


Dear OCL Students,

Thank you to all those that participated in the nomination and voting process for the 2021-2022 OCL Student Representative Committee- Open Position.

We are pleased to announce that Vanessa Danielle Marrero is the new member of OCL Student Representative Committee for the 2021-2022 Academic Year.

Please join us in congratulating her! The primary responsibility of the OCL Student Representative Committee is to serve as a consultative body to the OCL Program Governance Committee to represent students’ perspectives, interests, and priorities related to forwarding our mission of equity, including priorities related to promoting racial equity and disrupting anti-Blackness in the OCL Program.

The appointment for this position will continue until May 2022 with an option to continue for one additional academic year.


EdD Program Office

Special Election: Vote for 2021-2022 OCL Student Representative Committee Member

March 14, 2022


Greetings OCL Students,

Thank you for submitting your nominations for the 2021-2022 OCL Student Representative Committee Member Position. The Voting Poll for the Special Election is available now through Sunday, March 20 at 11:59pm PST.

How to Vote

There are five (5) candidates for the open position (sorted in alphabetical order by first name).

To cast your vote, we ask that you please:

  1. Review the profile of each candidate (see attachment), and;
  2. Vote for up to one (1) candidate via the Qualtrics Survey: https://usc.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_73ApIIgYSwgA3UG

Each OCL student is permitted to submit their voting ballot once. Please note that while your responses are anonymous and will not be shared, your name will be asked at the end of the survey to ensure that there are no duplicate votes.


About the Position

The primary responsibility of the OCL Student Representative Committee is to serve as a consultative body to the OCL Program Governance Committee to represent students’ perspectives, interests, and priorities related to forwarding our mission of equity, including priorities related to promoting racial equity and disrupting anti-Blackness in the OCL Program.

There will one (1) open member position. The appointment for this position will begin in March 2022 and continue until May 2022 with an option to continue for one additional academic year.

If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the EdD Program Office at rsoeedd@rossier.usc.edu.

Thank you, and have a great day.



EdD Program Office

Call for Nominations: Open Position for the 2021-2022 OCL Student Representative Committee

Dear OCL Students:


We are emailing to inform you that there will be a Special Election to fill a vacancy that just opened up for the 2021-2022 OCL Student Representative Committee. We are inviting nominations for one (1) open OCL Student Representative Committee position.  The term commitment would be from March 2022 through May 2022, with an option to continue for one additional academic year.

Nominations are open to all current OCL students. All current OCL students will then have the opportunity to vote for one representative to fill the current open position in a Special Election.

Please see the attached document for more information about the position, including responsibilities, qualifications, and the nomination and selection process. 

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Kim Hirabayashi, Ph.D. 

Professor of Clinical Education 

Chair, Organizational Change and Leadership Program 

EdD Program Office Announcement

Dear OCL students, faculty, and staff:


I hope this e-mail finds you safe and healthy. I am writing to announce my plans to transition to maternity leave starting Tuesday, March 15, 2022. I will be welcoming my second child, a baby boy, and I look forward to meeting him in two short weeks!

The EdD Program Office staff will be ready and available to assist you while I am out on maternity leave. For any OCL program-related questions or concerns, please contact:

Thank you, and I wish you all a wonderful rest of your Spring 2022 semester.



Anna Chiang, Ed.D.

Director, Organizational Change and Leadership Program