Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity – Spring 2025 Workshops and Drop-in Sessions

Dear OCL Students,

The USC Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity (KCLC) are hosting workshops and Drop-ins online and in person. Both workshops and drop-ins are open to undergraduate and graduate students and do not require a reservation. KCLC are also offering an ADHD group which does require a screener. For more information, see the attached flyers.


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The attached flyers and handouts:
1. ADHD Skills and support group
2. Study Strategies Workshop flyer: Tuesday and Wednesday on Zoom
3. Drop-in hours: Mon online; Tues-Fri in person

If you have any questions, please email us at kortschakcenter@usc.edu.



EdD Program Office

Upcoming Rossier Career Services Events – Spring 2025

Dear OCL Students,


Please see below details of upcoming events hosted by Rossier Career Services.


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USC Rossier Leadership Series: Dr. Steve McLaughlin, Superintendent Fullerton Joint Union High School District – Mon, Feb 10 @ 4PM PT via Zoom

Register here.  Join us for a dynamic conversation with Dr. Steve McLaughlin, Superintendent of Fullerton Joint Union High School District in North Orange County, as part of the USC Rossier Leadership Series. This event aims to unite thought partners, support future leaders, empower those in leadership roles, and showcase the impact of the USC Rossier Trojan Family.  This is also an opportunity to gain insights for those looking to make the move from K-12 teaching to administration.  Dr. McLaughlin has served as an educator for over 20 years.  During that time, his roles have included teaching history, PE, and AVID, serving as a high school activities director and administrator, middle school principal, and Director of Secondary Curriculum and Instruction.  He has led high school teachers in the implementation of the Common Core Standards, expanded social and emotional supports for students, cultivated a wide variety of community partnerships, developed targeted reading intervention programs, and overseen the expansion of Career Technical Education pathways.  Join us for an inspiring discussion with this accomplished leader.


Career Pivots: Lessons from Rossier Alumni Who Have Chartered New Courses

Dr. Jeff Gold, CEO at Insights2Action – Wed, Feb 19 @ 4PM PT via Zoom

Register here.  Interested in exploring other directions for your career?  This series will provide some insights from successful alumni who have done just that.  You will learn from alumni about their journeys, navigating the new direction in their careers, and learn more about the impact work they are doing in their current roles.  In this session, we will hear from Dr. Jeff Gold who began his career as a bilingual public-school teacher in San Diego, then moved to higher education, including serving over 18 years at the Cal State University Office of the Chancellor, most recently as Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Success.  He has now founded Insights2Action, which “believes in the power of strategically utilizing data to empower faculty, staff, and administrators to better support students from all backgrounds to realize their true potential and promise.”


Career Pivots: Lessons from Rossier Alumni Who Have Chartered New Courses

Dr. Susie Lopez-Guerra, California State Director of the National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE) – Mon, Mar 3 @ 4PM PT via Zoom

Register here.  Interested in exploring other directions for your career?  This series will provide some insights from successful alumni who have done just that.  You will learn from alumni about their journeys, navigating the new direction in their careers, and learn more about the impact work they are doing in their current roles.  In this session, we will hear from Dr. Susie Lopez-Guerra, who began as a teacher and served for over 23 years at the Santa Ana Unified School District most recently as Director of Community Relations.  She recently joined the National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE) as the State Director.  NCEE seeks transformative change by working “at the intersection of education and the economy to deeply understand current systems, anticipate the future, eradicate barriers, elevate effective practices, and innovate for opportunity.”


Career Pivots: Lessons from Rossier Alumni Who Have Chartered New Courses

Dr. Eric Mejia, VP Admissions & Enrollment, Verbum Dei Jesuit High School – Mon, Mar 10 @ 4PM PT via Zoom

Register here.  Interested in exploring other directions for your career?  This series will provide some insights from successful alumni who have done just that.  You will learn from alumni about their journeys, navigating the new direction in their careers, and learn more about the impact work they are doing in their current roles.  In this session, we will hear from Dr. Eric Mejia, a Marine Corps veteran, who initially worked in collection before finding a career in higher education working at various institutions mostly in admissions.  He recently pivoted to join the admissions team at Verbum Dei Jesuit High School.  Verbum Dei “offers young men from supportive families of limited resources a college prep curriculum, corporate work experience, and faith formation that prepares them to graduate from college as men-with-and-for-others who serve their communities and pursue a more just and humane world for all.”



EdD Program Office

You’re Invited: Calm, Clear, and Focused: Mindfulness Tools for Writing Your Dissertation

Dear OCL Students,


We in the EdD Programs Office finds you well and are wishing you a smooth start to the spring 2025 semester. We understand that dissertation writing can at times feel stressful or overwhelming, regardless of where you are in the process. As such, the EdD Programs Office will be hosting a workshop in partnership with Mindful USC this spring to help you bring calm and clarity to your writing process. Please see flyer attached and virtual event details below.

Calm, Clear, and Focused: Mindfulness Tools for Writing Your Dissertation

  • Monday, February 24
  • 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
  • RSVP here by February 20
  • Zoom link will be made available to those who RSVP a few days prior to the event.

Workshop description: In this workshop, we will learn practices that can be used to bring ourselves into calmer, more centered, more mindful states of being while engaging in the dissertation writing process. We will explore foundational mindfulness teachings that can support our writing and well-being.  We’ll consider how courageously befriending ourselves and cultivating states of self-compassion and present-moment awareness can transform our relationship to the writing process and to our own creative nature. This one-hour experiential workshop, led by Mindful USC Director, Allyson Pimentel, EdD, will include teachings on mindfulness, guided practice, and supportive group discussion.


Due to the interactive nature of this workshop, the session will not be recorded. Please visit https://mindful.usc.edu/ for additional resources and workshops should you be interested.

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EdD Programs Office

Notice of EdD Program Office Closure: Winter Recess

Dear OCL Students,


We hope this e-mail finds you well. We are writing to inform you that in observation of winter recess, the EdD Program Office will close starting on Monday, December 23, 2024 at 5:00pm PT. We will re-open at 8:30am PT on Monday, January 6, 2025.

If you need immediate assistance, please be sure to reach out to your assigned Academic Advisor or rsoeedd@rossier.usc.edu by Monday, December 23, 2024.

Happy Holidays, and we wish you a wonderful and restful winter break!



EdD Program Office

Rossier Student Organizational Council (RSOC) Town Hall via Zoom – November 8th @ 6pm PT

Dear OCL Students,


The Rossier Student Organization Council (RSOC), a student organization that supports all Rossier programs and the overall community, is asking for your support in shaping the end-of-the-year celebration. RSOC is hosting a town hall and executing a survey this week.


Join us on Friday, November 8th at 6:00 PM PT on zoom to share your voice on how you would like to celebrate the end-of-the-year. RSOC will highlight previous events in the past, including the Annual Brunch, and alternatives to celebrating you and your accompaniments. 


RSOC will raffle a gift card after completing the End-of-the-Year Survey. Please visit our website and social media and view the attached flyer for additional details.


Zoom: bit.ly/4ekjg4m

Survey: bit.ly/rsoceoty (open until November 15)



Warm regards,

EdD Program Office

Phi Kappa Phi Student Recognition Awards

Dear OCL Students


Please see the attached flyer / information below regarding the Phi Kappa Phi Student Recognition Awards.

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Graduate and Undergraduate Students Enrolled at USC in Fall 2024,

Phi Kappa Phi, the University-wide honors society, is soliciting applications for our annual Student Recognition Awards.

All students (graduate and undergraduate) who are registered at USC this Fall 2024 are eligible. Phi Kappa Phi will recognize four students with award of $1,000 each for original scholarly and artistic work done at USC during the 2023-2024 academic year.

Winners will be announced at the Spring 2025 Honors Convocation, and the deadline for submissions is Friday, November 14, 2024. For more information and an application form, see the attachment or visit https://libraries.usc.edu/phi-kappa-phi/awards

Important Update on Canvas LMS Access

Dear OCL Students,


As you are aware, Rossier transitioned from Canvas to Brightspace as our primary learning management system (LMS). Please note that after December 31, 2024, we will no longer have access to Canvas. This means you will not be able to retrieve any course materials, including uploaded assignments and instructional resources, once that date passes. Additionally, you will not be able to access past coursework in the current Brightspace LMS.


If you have not already done so, we strongly recommend saving any important course materials and former assignments in the coming weeks, while you still have access to Canvas. You may download relevant course notes, Zoom recordings, and other course materials from your Canvas account to another storage platform (i.e. Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) before December 31st, 2024.


For instructions on how to download assignment submissions from Canvas, please click here.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Academic Advisor.



EdD Program Office

Call for Proposals – 2025 USC Rossier Research Conference

Dear OCL Students,

Please see the attached information below regarding the 2025 USC Rossier Research Conference.


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The 2025 USC Rossier Research Conference will be held on Friday, March 7, 2025 at the USC Hotel, University Park Campus. This one-day conference is intended to showcase current research from USC Rossier faculty, students, staff and recent alumni across centers and programs. This is an internal event open to all Rossier students, faculty, staff, and invited guests.

The theme of the conference is Research for Impact, and we are soliciting proposals for in-person panels and individual presentations and brief pre-recorded electronic research presentations. Please see the attached Call for Proposals for information about the submission process, and a description of the sessions.

Here is the link to the Proposal Submission Form.

The deadline to submit proposals is December 2, 2024, and presenters will be notified in early January 2025.

Please direct any questions to Laura Mulfinger in the Rossier Research Office, laura.mulfinger@rossier.usc.edu.


Gale M. Sinatra

Stephen H. Crocker Professor of Education

Associate Dean for Research

Rossier School of Education

University of Southern California

3470 Trousdale Parkway

Waite Phillips Hall

Los Angeles, CA 90089-4036


USC Rossier Hagen Women’s Fellowship – Apply by November 4, 2024

Dear OCL Students,


Applications are now open for the USC Rossier Hagen Women’s Leadership Fellowship


Funded by the Veronica and David Hagen Chair in Women’s Leadership, this program aims to increase access to professional development, networking, and mentors for women in Rossier EdD programs through participation in academic and professional conferences.


Women leaders enrolled in one of Rossier’s Doctorate in Education (EdD) programs may apply for the fellowship, which will fund attendance at a conference to take place in the 2023-24 academic year. The conference can be professional or academic and should provide an opportunity for the participant to showcase their leadership roles and skills. Six to nine doctoral students will be funded $1000 to $1500 each through a competitive application process; funding awards will vary depending on whether fellows will be presenting at the conference or attending.


To apply, please complete the application and write 2 essays of no more than 400 words each. The deadline for applications is Monday, November 4, 2024. Applicants must be enrolled in Rossier EdD program courses at the time of application.


Participants will be selected by an alumni panel of graduates from the Educational Leadership, Organizational Change and Leadership and Global Executive EdD programs. Applications will be reviewed and awarded in the fall semester and funding must be spent by the following June. Please contact Professor Tracy Poon Tambascia (tpoon@usc.edu) if you have questions.




Why is this Fellowship being offered?

Despite gains in educational attainment, women remain underrepresented in leadership roles in government, industry and education (Pew Research, 2021). For example, women CEO’s of Fortune 500 companies reached its peak in 2020 with 7%; in the US there have only been 44 women governors in 30 states; and only one-quarter of Senators are women (Pew Research, 2021). For many years, the lack of a qualified pipeline was blamed for the low number of women in leadership positions, but a 2017 report from the American Council on Education (ACE Higher Education Spotlight, 2017) noted that women have been well represented in the attainment of baccalaureate degrees for the past 30 years, and half of all doctoral degrees since 2006. In academia, women held less than one-third of full professorships in 2015, and in 2017 they held less than one-third of college or university presidencies (ACE Leading the Way to Parity, 2017). Just over 25% of women lead school districts as superintendents in the US (Hechinger Report, 2020).


Even with modest gains over time, gender parity and women’s access to senior leadership roles remains a challenge. More direct action and support is needed. Though this program is only a small part of what is needed to strengthen the pathway to senior leadership roles for women, it is an important step in this journey. Fellows will not only benefit from the program, but become part of a community of mentors and supporters for other women.


Other important information

Students will be reimbursed after the conference, usually for conference registration, travel, lodging, or per diem up to the amount of the fellowship total. USC travel policies will apply to all reimbursements.  Receipts will be required for reimbursement up to the amount of the grant from this program. Funding will be available each academic year, and EdD students can reapply if their initial request was not accepted.


After the conference, fellows will be asked to share an abstract of their presentation or brief summary of what they learned at the conference and will be featured on a Hagen leadership website. Fellows will also be asked to review applications in subsequent funding cycles and to mentor rising women leaders in professional settings.