Upcoming AI Workshop Series hosted by the USC Career Center

Dear OCL Students,


Please see the message below from the USC Career Center regarding an upcoming workshop series focused on AI.


The USC Career Center recognizes that technological advancements are impacting the future of the workplace and recruitment for job candidates. In response, we are offering an exciting workshop series designed to help students and alumni navigate these changes effectively and stay ahead in their career pursuits.

AI Career Series: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1JB9Eu654e13B-74lY0dl2v6tC9GgIAh3

1) Optimize Your Resume & Cover Letter With AI – An Overview of VMock
– Audience: All Students
– Registration: https://usc.joinhandshake.com/events/1550780/share_preview

2) Job Search 2.0: LinkedIn + ChatGPT Secrets Revealed
– Audience: All Students and Alumni
– Registration: https://usc.joinhandshake.com/events/1571209/share_preview

3) Harnessing AI for Effective Networking and Informational Interviews
Audience: All Students
– Registration: https://usc.joinhandshake.com/events/1570872/share_preview

Additionally, we encourage you to explore our AI page: https://careers.usc.edu/ai-guidelines/. This site offers information on AI guidelines and provides best practices for utilizing these tools.

Thank you for your ongoing partnership and support in helping students achieve their career goals. I hope you all have a wonderful fall semester.

Best regards,

Sarah Oh, Sr. Career Advisor
USC Career Center



EdD Program Office

Save the Date – October 22, Frances Contreras, Dean, UC Irvine School of Education

Dear OCL Students,


Please see the attached flyer for details on Rossier’s upcoming Scholars of Color event featuring visiting scholar, Frances Contreras, Dean of the UC Irvine School of Education. This talk will be live streamed.

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For more information, please visit rossier.usc.edu/events.


Warm regards,

EdD Program Office

Rossier Student Organization Council – E-board Application is now open!

Dear OCL Students,


Please see the important message below from the Rossier Student Organization Council.

‼️Rossier Student Organization Council (RSOC) E-Board Application is now open‼️


RSOC supports all Rossier programs and the overall community as we work together towards creating equitable and transformative change in our fields. Our mission is to support student empowerment and agency by fostering community, belonging, and transparency among all stakeholders. The RSOC is committed to advancing equity, taking action, and challenging educational systems at Rossier and beyond. We are looking for student leaders who are RSOC mission-aligned and are driven to create an uplifting and empowering community for all. Use the bit.ly on the flyer to access the application and to view the descriptions for each position. Note, you must login to your usc account to access the application. The application is due August 23rd, 2024. ✌️


Rossier Student Organization Council (RSOC)

Rossier School of Education

University of Southern California

Follow RSOC on Instagram

Ask to be added to our Listserv

Important Updates re: USC Rossier/2U Transition

Dear OCL Students,


Please see below several relevant updates that are taking place during the summer and fall semesters.


Transition to Brightspace and the Many, Many Ways to Be Ready

As a reminder, the school will transition from Canvas to Brightspace as its primary learning management system (LMS) for the Fall 2024 term. This transition will allow USC Rossier to align with the rest of USC to provide enhanced support services to students, faculty and staff.


Classes will continue to be administered through Canvas until the end of summer, at which point they will transition to Brightspace.


If you have not already done so, we recommend taking a few moments to save any materials you need for future reference. Please download any relevant course notes, Zoom recordings and other relevant course materials from your Canvas account to another storage platform (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) before classes shift to Brightspace. You can click here to access information about downloading assignment submissions through Canvas.


Access to Zoom Accounts 


You may still be using your 2U-administered Zoom accounts as your primary zoom account when hosting meetings and attending classes. Once the transition to Brightspace is complete, your 2U-administered Zoom account will no longer be active. Therefore, it is imperative that all students have an active USC Zoom account by the Fall semester. If you need to establish a USC Zoom account, please visit usc.zoom.us.


More information can also be found here: https://itservices.usc.edu/zoom-video-and-audio-conferencing/.


If you have any questions about the Brightspace transition or the Fall 2024 semester, please e-mail us at rsoeedd@rossier.usc.edu.

Update on Discontinued Site Licenses: Citavi, Grant Forward, Atlas.ti, and N-Vivo

Dear OCL Students,


Please see the following important update from the USC Office of Research.


Per the Office of Research, the following site licenses will be discontinued: CitaviGrant ForwardAtlas.ti, and N-Vivo. If you use any of these platforms, you should plan to download your data before the dates listed below:


  • Citavi. Your Citavi reference library will no longer be available as of July 15th
  • Grant Forward will be discontinued as of July 31st. If you have a reference library in grant forward it will no longer be available as of July 31st.
  • Atlas.ti will be discontinued, and users will have until July 30th to download their data
  • N-Vivo will be discontinued, and users will have until July 19th to download their data.



EdD Program Office

Join Kimberlé Crenshaw and Shaun Harper for “Doubling Down on DEI: No U-Turn on Equity” – July 2 at 11AM PT

Dear OCL Students,


Please see more information below about an upcoming event sponsored by the USC Race and Equity Center:

Join Kimberlé Crenshaw and Shaun Harper for Doubling Down on DEI: No U-Turn on Equity, a dynamic virtual forum that is being held on the 60th anniversary of the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act. During this hourlong event, we will contemplate how far we’ve come and yet how far we still must go to achieve our freedom dreams.


Just last week, legislation was introduced to end all federal diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. The Dismantle DEI Act would extinguish funding for government agencies, contractors, educational institutions, and other organizations sponsoring DEI programs. This latest example is but one of many backlash efforts at local, state, and federal levels in recent years. Yet, despite attempts by an extremist minority to turn back the clock on DEI, an overwhelming majority of Americans support equity and inclusion ideals.


This free event is part of the African American Policy Forum’s 2024 Freedom Summer series.


Click here to register.

Important Information about Fall 2024 Schedules

OCL Students,


We hope everyone is having a wonderful week. This is a friendly reminder of the upcoming Fall 2024 schedules.

Registration Memos for Fall 2024 will be e-mailed to students on Monday, July 1. Fall 2024 registration for OCL students will begin on Monday, July 15 at 9:00am PT. You may refer to the schedules for Fall 2024 at https://classes.usc.edu/, which will be published online on Monday, July 1.

Important dates for Fall 2024 are shared below:

  • July 1, 2024 – Registration Memos will be emailed to students
  • July 15, 2024 – Registration begins for OCL students (please note that this is after the university-wide registration date for Fall 2024)
  • August 26, 2024 – First Day of Classes
  • September 16, 2024 – Add/drop deadline (drop without mark of “W”)
  • November 18, 2024 – Withdrawal Deadline (drop with mark of “W”)
  • December 7, 2024 – Last day of Classes
  • December 11-18, 2024 – Finals testing period

Please note that the university reserves the right to withdraw or change the hours of any course listed in the Schedule of Classes. Classes may be rescheduled or cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances or low enrollment.

Thank you, and please let us know if you have any questions by reaching out to your assigned Academic Advisor or by emailing us at rsoeedd@rossier.usc.edu.



EdD Program Office

RSVP for “Citation Managers: RefWorks & Zotero” USC Libraries Zoom Workshop – July 8 @ 4pm PT

The EdD Program Office invites you to RSVP for our second upcoming Zoom workshop with USC Libraries on Monday, July 8th at 4pm PDT. This workshop will be led by USC Libraries Social and Behavioral Sciences Librarian, Bridgid Fennell.

Citation Managers: RefWorks & Zotero:

Are you new to APA style, or are you an APA pro but you struggle to keep track of the growing list of articles you use for your research? If you answered yes to either question, then a citation manager could be a game changer for your academic work. Join Education Librarian Bridgid Fennell for an overview of RefWorks and Zotero and learn how these tools can improve your productivity and organization.

After this session, you will be able to:

  1. Describe the capabilities of citation managers
  2. Create an account in RefWorks or Zotero
  3. Add citations to your personal RefWorks or Zotero library
  4. Automatically add in-text citations and list of references to your word processing document

Click here to RSVP.

This event is open to doctoral students enrolled in either the OCL or EDL programs at Rossier. The Zoom link will be emailed to all students who RSVP a few days before the event. Please note this workshop will be recorded. If you have any questions, please email us at rsoeedd@rossier.usc.edu.

OCL Summer 2024 Mid-Course Evaluation

Dear OCL Students,


We hope your semester is going well. Please see the link below for the Summer 2024 OCL Mid-Course Evaluation that is available now and through Sunday, June 23.


We want to hear from you each semester so that program leads are able to make adjustments, if necessary, to improve your learning experience while the semester is still in progress.  You will also have an opportunity to provide final thoughts at the conclusion of this semester.

Please note that your responses to this survey are strictly confidential. Your survey responses will be combined with all other responses and are untraceable to any individual.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at rsoeedd@rossier.usc.edu. We very much appreciate your feedback.


Best wishes,

EdD Program Office

USC Rossier Student Ambassador Program – APPLY NOW

Please see the important announcement below regarding the USC Rossier Student Ambassador Program:


Dear Trojans,


The USC Rossier Student Ambassador Program is a great opportunity to expand your network, amplify your voice, and inspire prospective students with your unique experiences. You will be a part of helping others make life-changing decisions. Prospective students want to hear from you – someone who has been in their shoes. Join to inspire.


A detailed program and role description is attached. We look forward to learning more about you in your application and how we can work together to better foster our great community.


[Apply to Amplify Your Student Voice]




Office of Admission and Scholarships 

USC Rossier School of Education


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