“Search Smarter, Not Harder” USC Libraries Zoom Workshop – June 10 @ 4pm PT

Dear EdD Students,


The EdD Program Office invites you to RSVP for our upcoming Zoom workshop with USC Libraries on Monday June 10th at 4pm PDT. This workshop will be led by USC Libraries Social and Behavioral Sciences Librarian, Bridgid Fennell.


Search Smarter, Not Harder:

Do you have a research project but you don’t know how to get started? Do you feel overwhelmed by the USC Libraries website? Do you find promising articles on Google Scholar only to get blocked by paywalls? This workshop will teach you how to search smarter and not harder. Learn your way around the USC Library website and gain basic and advanced search skills so you can spend more time learning instead of getting stuck at the starting line.

After participating in this workshop, you will be able to:

  • Implement foundational and advanced search strategies in the USC Libraries’ databases and catalog
  • Locate peer-reviewed research in the USC Libraries collections
  • Seamlessly connect to USC Libraries collections from websites and Google scholar


Click here to RSVP.


This event is open to doctoral students enrolled in either the OCL or EDL programs at Rossier. The Zoom link will be emailed to all students who RSVP a few days before the event. Please note this workshop will be recorded. If you have any questions, please email us at rsoeedd@rossier.usc.edu.



EdD Program Office

Dean’s Professional Development Conference Fund for Spring 2024 – Application Open April 8th

Dear OCL Students,


Please the important message below from our Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Jessica Gibson:


Dear students,

I hope that your spring semester is going well. As we reflect on our students’ academic achievements, please know that we also recognize the importance of your professional development.

The Dean is continuing his Student Professional Development Conference Fund in support of our students’ engagement in professional conferences. If you attend a professional conference this spring semester, you can submit a request to receive up to $250 toward the expenses of the conference. To apply, respond to the questions below, and upload your proof of conference registration. The conference date can be between January 1, 2024 and June 1, 2024. You do not need to wait until after the conference to apply for the fund, but you do need to have registered for the conference and be able to present the receipt.

Please note that funding is limited, and will be awarded in the order that completed requests are received. When the total number of available awards have been granted, there will be no further spring opportunities. To be considered, your application must be complete, with thorough responses to the questions on the submission form. Applicants must be registered in a course this term to be eligible.


The application will open on Monday, April 8 at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time. At that time, to apply, follow this link to answer a few questions and upload your proof of conference registration. As you prepare for the launch of the survey, you can consider your responses to these questions:

  • What were your goals for the conference?
  • How does the conference content relate to your academic studies?

The Dean is pleased to support your development as you strengthen your professional practice.


Jessica Gibson

Assistant Dean for Student Affairs

RSOC Executive Board Application – Apply by April 12th

Dear OCL Students,


Please see the important message below from the Rossier Student Organization Council (RSOC):


The Rossier Student Organization Council (RSOC) invites you to apply to join the Executive Board for the 2024-2025 academic year. Applications are now open for President, Vice President, as well as Finance and Communications Chairs. The application will close on Friday April 12th and can be accessed hereClick here to view the recording from our Elections Information Session. 


RSOC aims to support student empowerment and agency by fostering community, belonging, and transparency among all stakeholders and is committed to advancing equity, taking action, and challenging educational systems at Rossier and beyond.


You may contact rsorossier@gmail.com if you have any questions.



EdD Program Office

AERA Membership Discount for Rossier Students

Dear OCL Students,


We are pleased to inform you of an exciting opportunity to join AERA at a discounted rate.


The Rossier School of Education at USC is partnering with American Educational Research Association (AERA) to offer you reduced dues for graduate student membership. This 1-year introductory program is a unique opportunity open only to doctoral students who have not been members of AERA previously.


The discounted membership price is $25 and includes membership through December 31, 2024. AERA membership includes a host of benefits including journal access, community and network building, professional development sessions, and more. The AERA Annual Meeting will be in Philadelphia in April 11-14, 2024, and anyone is welcome to register and take part. Please see packet for more information!


Steps to Join AERA for $25:


  • Visit https://www.aera.net/Cohort2024
  • You may log into your existing account or create a new account.
  • Select University of Southern California from the dropdown menu of schools as part of the application process.
  • Enter this code to access the $25 rate: 2024COHORT


Many faculty and graduate students in the school are active members of AERA and can attest to the value of this organization. If you have never been a member, now is a great time to join! If you have any trouble, you can reach out to Sean Twombly at AERA at stwombly@aera.net.



EdD Program Office

Executive Search Firm Series – April 1, 3, and 8 @ 4-5PM PDT

Dear OCL Students,

Please see more information below about the upcoming Executive Search Series hosted by USC Rossier Career Services:

Search firms have often been utilized to assist institutions in hiring executive positions. More and more we are seeing them used for a wider variety of positions.
The Executive Search Series is designed to provide insights on what to expect from a search facilitated by a search firm and how to be on the radar of search firms in your sector. The series will feature alumni working at firms representing different segments of education. The series will feature alumni working at firms representing different segments of education.
Learn how to incorporate search firms into your next job search.

We will have three sessions featuring USC alumni from different firms representing different sectors of education+. Review the list and register for the session most aligned with your career interests. Dates, bios, and links below.

Mon, April 1, 4-5PM PT – Dr. David Cash, Educational Leadership Services, Focus: K-12

Wed, April 3, 4-5PM PT – Dr. Monte Perez, ACCT Searches, Focus: Community College

Mon, April 8, 4-5PM PT – Dr. Heather Larabee, Spellman-Johnson, Focus: Higher Education, Independent Schools, Professional Associations, Social Impact Organizations

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EdD Program Office

USC Libraries Zoom Event: “Facing Research Anxiety: A Mindfulness-Based Approach” – March 21st at 11am PT

Please see more information below about an upcoming USC Libraries workshop focused on supporting USC graduate students with strategies to overcome research anxiety. This workshop will be hosted via Zoom on March 21st from 11-12pm:

Description: Many students report feeling intense anxiety around research, especially as students conducting independent research for graduate theses and dissertations for the first time. This anxiety is isolating and frequently associated with ‘imposter syndrome,’ where our self-talk can convince us that everyone else knows what they are ‘supposed’ to do – except me!

This ‘research anxiety’ is perfectly normal and is a common experience for most students. Yet, it is rarely ever directly addressed as part of the academic research process, which can exacerbate the cycle of anxiety, shame, and even depression new researchers can and often do experience. These imposter feelings can have the additional impact of making researchers think that is not okay to ask for help, since they ‘should already know’ what they’re supposed to be doing. These feelings of perceived failure intensify the hiddenness and isolation of imposter syndrome, making it difficult to escape the research anxiety cycle of shame and procrastination.

The goal of this workshop is to face research anxiety head on by openly talking about it and examining meta-cognitive and research strategies we can use to meet it with vulnerability and self-acceptance – backed by practical action. What is research anxiety? Why do we experience it? How does it manifest? Where, exactly, does it come up in the research process so we can identify it in real time? What research strategies might be effective when it does arise? And who can we ask for help when it inevitably does? These are some of the main questions we will explore in the workshop.

Specifically, this workshop is aimed at graduate students writing dissertations and theses; as such, we will focus primarily on research anxiety related to conducting research for literature reviews for such projects. The workshop outlines four key areas in the process of research where research anxiety often arises and offers concrete research strategies applicable in each of these areas.  Additionally, the workshop will introduce Zen ‘mindfulness’ – the process of practicing nonjudgmental present moment awareness – as central to facing research anxiety and imposter syndrome in the academic research context.

Web link: https://libraries.usc.edu/events/workshop-facing-research-anxiety-mindfulness-based-approach-kevin-klipfel

Zoom link: https://usc.zoom.us/j/91336548474?pwd=YTg5TURra3B6VHIxbU51azExcjgwZz09

Important Information about Summer 2024 Schedules

Dear OCL Students,

We hope everyone is having a wonderful week. This is a friendly reminder of the upcoming Summer 2024 schedules.

Registration Memos for Summer 2024 will be e-mailed to students on Monday, March 4, 2024. Summer registration for OCL students will begin on Monday, March 18, 2024 at 9:00am PST. You may refer to the schedules for Summer 2024 at https://classes.usc.edu/term-20242/classes/educ/, which will be published online on Monday, Monday, March 4, 2024.

Important dates for Summer 2024 are shared below:

  • March 4, 2024 – Registration Memos will be emailed to students
  • March 18, 2024 – Registration begins for OCL students (please note that this is after the university-wide registration date for Summer)
  • May 14, 2024 – First Day of Classes
  • May 30, 2024 – Add/drop deadline (drop without mark of “W”)
  • July 19, 2024 – Withdrawal Deadline (drop with mark of “W”)
  • August 5, 2024 – Last day of Classes
  • August 5, 2024 – Finals testing period

Please note that the university reserves the right to withdraw or change the hours of any course listed in the Schedule of Classes. Classes may be rescheduled or cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances or low enrollment.

Thank you, and please let us know if you have any questions by reaching out to your assigned Academic Advisor or by emailing us at rsoeedd@rossier.usc.edu.


EdD Program Office

OCL Spring 2024 Mid-Course Evaluation

Dear OCL Students:

We hope your semester is going well. Please see the link below for the Spring 2024 OCL Mid-Course Evaluation that is available now and through Sunday, February 18 at 11:59pm PST.


We want to hear from you each semester so that program leads are able to make adjustments, if necessary, to improve your learning experience while the semester is still in progress.  You will also have an opportunity to provide final thoughts at the conclusion of this semester. Please note that your responses to this survey are anonymous.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at rsoeedd@rossier.usc.edu. We very much appreciate your feedback.

Best wishes,

EdD Program Office

USC Libraries Research Award – Deadline on January 26th, 2024

Please see the attached flyer regarding the USC Libraries Research Award. More detailed information is included below. The deadline to apply is January 26th, 2024:

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The deadline to apply to the USC Libraires Research Award is fast approaching. This award is a fantastic opportunity for you to showcase your excellence and creativity in utilizing USC Libraries’ research collections and services. Whether you’re an undergraduate or a graduate student, we invite you to submit your outstanding papers or projects completed at USC in a for-credit class or through independent study during the spring, summer, or fall semesters of 2023. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain recognition for your hard work!

About the Award:
The USC Libraries Research Award, established in 2013 with the generous support of a USC Libraries Dean’s Challenge Grant, offers students the opportunity to be recognized for their dedication to research and innovation. This award not only celebrates your achievements but also provides a platform to share your scholarly insights and creativity.

Submission Requirements:
To apply for the award, you need to submit your paper or project along with a Reflective Essay of 500-1000 words. This essay should offer an introspective view of your research journey and the use of USC Libraries’ resources. For more detailed submission guidelines and award levels, please refer to the descriptions on the award page.

A panel of experts will evaluate the submissions and select the winners. The chosen recipients will be announced at the award reception. Graduate student winners have the chance to receive up to $500, while undergraduate student winners can receive up to $300. Selected winners will also be invited to serve on the jury for the following year, allowing you to play a pivotal role in recognizing future talent.

Application Deadline:
The application deadline for this award is January 26, 2024. Don’t miss this chance to get recognized and rewarded for your exceptional research work! Please see the attached flyer for more details and apply here: https://libguides.usc.edu/researchaward/submissions.