Important Updates re: USC Rossier/2U Transition

Dear OCL Students,


Please see below several relevant updates that are taking place during the summer and fall semesters.


Transition to Brightspace and the Many, Many Ways to Be Ready

As a reminder, the school will transition from Canvas to Brightspace as its primary learning management system (LMS) for the Fall 2024 term. This transition will allow USC Rossier to align with the rest of USC to provide enhanced support services to students, faculty and staff.


Classes will continue to be administered through Canvas until the end of summer, at which point they will transition to Brightspace.


If you have not already done so, we recommend taking a few moments to save any materials you need for future reference. Please download any relevant course notes, Zoom recordings and other relevant course materials from your Canvas account to another storage platform (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.) before classes shift to Brightspace. You can click here to access information about downloading assignment submissions through Canvas.


Access to Zoom Accounts 


You may still be using your 2U-administered Zoom accounts as your primary zoom account when hosting meetings and attending classes. Once the transition to Brightspace is complete, your 2U-administered Zoom account will no longer be active. Therefore, it is imperative that all students have an active USC Zoom account by the Fall semester. If you need to establish a USC Zoom account, please visit


More information can also be found here:


If you have any questions about the Brightspace transition or the Fall 2024 semester, please e-mail us at

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