Join Kimberlé Crenshaw and Shaun Harper for “Doubling Down on DEI: No U-Turn on Equity” – July 2 at 11AM PT

Dear OCL Students,


Please see more information below about an upcoming event sponsored by the USC Race and Equity Center:

Join Kimberlé Crenshaw and Shaun Harper for Doubling Down on DEI: No U-Turn on Equity, a dynamic virtual forum that is being held on the 60th anniversary of the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act. During this hourlong event, we will contemplate how far we’ve come and yet how far we still must go to achieve our freedom dreams.


Just last week, legislation was introduced to end all federal diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. The Dismantle DEI Act would extinguish funding for government agencies, contractors, educational institutions, and other organizations sponsoring DEI programs. This latest example is but one of many backlash efforts at local, state, and federal levels in recent years. Yet, despite attempts by an extremist minority to turn back the clock on DEI, an overwhelming majority of Americans support equity and inclusion ideals.


This free event is part of the African American Policy Forum’s 2024 Freedom Summer series.


Click here to register.

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