Message from Dean Noguera

Dear students,

This month, the university announced that it will shift support services for several online programs in-house and transition away from external support provided by 2U for those offerings. This includes USC Rossier’s master of arts in teaching, master of arts in teaching—teaching English to speakers of other languages, master of education in school counseling and doctorate in organizational and change leadership. This change will be rolled out through May 2024.

We are deeply proud of these programs and our incredible faculty, staff and students at USC Rossier, and are excited and committed to furthering their growth. The high quality of each of these degree programs will be maintained and expanded upon through our efforts.

USC Rossier already offers several outstanding online programs with all support provided in-house, and I am confident that servicing our online MAT, OCL, TESOL and SC programs will be seamlessly internalized through our talented team’s incredible ability and commitment to quality.

The school has assembled a transition team to lead us through this process. You will receive an invitation in the coming days to a community discussion about this news where you will be able to have your questions about this transition answered by members of this leadership team.

USC Rossier School of Education is focused on maximizing its impact. People throughout the world look to our institution for hope and ideas about creating a more robust and accessible education system. This is an opportunity to innovate and build upon our success, and I look forward to continuing our work.


Pedro A. Noguera Ph.D.

Emery Stoops and Joyce King Stoops Dean
Rossier School of Education

University of Southern California

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