Invitation to OCL Town Hall Monday, May 23 4:00 p.m. PDT

Dear OCL students,


Since we held the town hall for Rossier students on May 2, I’ve heard from several students with specific questions about your program and what we plan to do going forward. The OCL Governance and the Student Representative Committee also shared a list of questions that have been raised. To continue our conversation and answer these and other questions you have, we will hold a town hall for current OCL students Monday, May 23 at 4 p.m. PDT.

Some students have asked about admissions data for the program. We are creating a fact sheet with those answers and will share it before the town hall. Below, you can find answers to some of the more frequently asked questions.

We still want to hear your questions and concerns and understand everyone might not feel comfortable raising questions in an open forum like this. If you would prefer, you can submit questions anonymously using this form. We ask that you do so before noon on Monday, so our moderators will have time to organize questions.

We will hold the town hall virtually. Below is the zoom information for joining the town hall. You do not have to register, but you will need to sign in with your USC or Rossier Zoom account.


Topic: OCL Town Hall

Time: May 23, 2022 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 969 7526 9986

Passcode: 523OCL

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Meeting ID: 969 7526 9986

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Finally, I want you to know that this is the first of a number of town halls that we will be hosting with OCL students and others in EdD programs. We recognize that there is an opportunity to take additional steps to help ensure that you are truly integrated into the Rossier community. I hope to see you on Monday or at future opportunities.



Pedro A. Noguera, Ph.D.

Emery Stoops and Joyce King Stoops Dean


Frequently asked questions


Will Rossier participate in future U.S. News and World Report rankings? Who makes that decision?

USC Rossier and the Provost’s office continue to evaluate how the school might engage with U.S. News and other rankings services in the future. Our primary focus is on the research and teaching that is what distinguishes Rossier and makes us a leader in the space. While rankings matter, what really matters is the ongoing contributions Rossier makes to the education space.


What would USC Rossier have been ranked by U.S. News had accurate data been submitted?

Because U.S. News does not publish its full rankings formula, it is impossible to know.


What will USC Rossier do to help EdD students, especially OCL students, partake in everything the school community has to offer?

After the release of the Jones Day report, several OCL students felt they weren’t able to fully participate in the same opportunities as their fellow students. Creating new pathways for engagement will be a focus for the 2022-2023 academic year. EdD students will be eligible to join student government and other organizations, and we will make sure they know how to take advantage of these opportunities beginning with orientation.


Does the information in the Jones Day report affect USC Rossier’s accreditation?

We are working with our accreditors to ensure there are no negative impacts. They have been very appreciative of our transparency.

Posted in Uncategorized.

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