Leadership Transition in OCL

Dear OCL Students,


I am reaching out to share with you a new and exciting change in the leadership of the OCL Program.  Last fall, I shared with the Dean my intention to step down as OCL Governance Chair at the end of this fiscal year. The early discussions gave us time to thoughtfully plan and prepare for the transition.  I am so very pleased to announce that Dr. Courtney Malloy will be the new OCL Governance Chair starting July 1.  As many of you already know, Dr. Malloy brings her extensive experience in applied research into OCL through the courses she teaches and the dissertations she supervises.  I know the program will continue to thrive under her leadership.


When I became the chair at the beginning of the program, my intent was to remain in the position for four years or so.  The end of this June will mark 8 years in the position.  I remained as chair because I thought it was important to support several curricular and programmatic changes. Even though I am stepping down as program chair, I will continue to teach classes and advise dissertations in our doctoral programs.


Spring is always a time of reflection, as we look towards commencement, and reflect on the road traveled in the last year.  I am truly grateful to have interacted with so many wonderful students, staff, and faculty since the very first OCL cohort. I look forward to continuing to learn with and from you in your doctoral journeys.


With much gratitude,


Kim Hirabayashi, Ph.D.

Professor of Clinical Education

Chair, Organizational Change and Leadership Ed.D. Program

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