Meet and Greet with Dean Pedro Noguera

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Dear Rossier students,

Dean Pedro Noguera invites you to join him for a series of informal gatherings with Rossier students. Dean Noguera is launching this initiative beginning with three events this fall, in the week following Thanksgiving break. More options will be available in the spring.

The two on-campus events have limited attendance capacity, and we will accept responses in the order received until capacity is reached.

The third event is online via Zoom, and has unlimited attendance, though registration closes at the end of the day on Tuesday, November 30 so that the event link can be provided.

For those able to join Dean Noguera on campus, the first gathering will be hosted on Monday, November 29 at 4:00 p.m. PST with refreshments, and a second gathering will be hosted on Tuesday, November 30 at noon PST with lunch provided. Both will be held at The Lab Gastropub restaurant at 3500 S. Figueroa Blvd. at McCarthy Way.  Parking will be hosted at the USC Figueroa Street Parking Lot just south of The Lab .

For these first two on campus events, please indicate your interest via this survey and participation will be confirmed by email as space is available. Trojan Check is required to attend on campus events, so if your reservation is confirmed, please be prepared with your Trojan Check approval for that day.

For those of you who are not able to come to campus at either of those times, we have an online gathering Wednesday, December 1 at 3:00 p.m. PST via Zoom. There are no capacity restrictions for our online event on December 1, but please respond via this survey to receive the meeting link.

We are piloting these student engagement events with these first few opportunities this semester, but please know that more dates and online events will be announced for spring. You can use the response link above to provide feedback on the best days and times to schedule events in the spring.





Jessica Gibson

Assistant Dean, Student Affairs

Rossier School of Education

University of Southern California

2022 AERA Doctoral Student Cohort Program

Dear OCL Students,

We are pleased to inform you that we are partnering with the American Educational Research Association (AERA) to offer reduced dues for first time members. Please see information, below, on how students can sign up.

This is an introductory membership program, so it is not open to those students who have been prior AERA members.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to the EdD Program Office with any questions.



Call For Nominations for the 2021-2022 OCL Student Representative Committee

Dear OCL Students:

We are soliciting nominations for OCL Student Representative Committee for 2021-2022.   We would like to acknowledge the work of the initial ad-hoc student committee, that helped establish continued student representation within our OCL governing structure. This group was formed in response to student feedback at the June 2020 Forum where we gathered to honor and mourn the lives of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Nina Pop, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, Rayshard Brooks, and others lost due to systemic anti-Black racism and listen to student ideas about how to move toward meaningful action in the midst of our country’s racial reckoning.

In response to student desire for greater representation in decision-making structures at Rossier, the OCL Ad hoc Student Committee to Promote Racial Equity and Disrupt Anti-Blackness in the OCL Program was formed in the fall of 2020. This ad-hoc committee advised OCL Governance during the 2020-2021 school year. In this spirit of transparency and accountability to students, here is a list of the past committee’s action items, including Rossier’s progress toward meeting each goal. As one of these action items, OCL governance agreed to create a structure of sustained student advising to governance, with the input of the initial ad hoc committee.

We are a few months delayed on our agreement to soliciting nominations, which was meant to go out at the start of the fall 2021 academic year. This delay is a reflection of thoughtful internal process, including conversations with the Dean, and our capacity.  This is not a reflection of our commitment to the work or our appreciation for the past group of student representatives. We look forward to working with the next group of student representatives and hope to continue to grow our accountability to students.

The link to the Call For Nominations for the 2021-2022 OCL Student Representative Committee is here:


Kim Hirabayashi, Ph.D.
Professor of Clinical Education
Chair, Organizational Change and Leadership Program