Dear Students,
Please see below for health and wellness-related offerings!
1) Happy Hour with OWHP: Not that kind of Happy Hour but… Available for all students, staff and faculty, the Office for Wellness and Health Promotion offers free Yoga and Tai Chi classes every week. Yes, FREE yoga, every week! The schedule and descriptions of classes are attached, so please feel free to distribute widely.
2) Beau, the Wellness Dog, is available to visit any student group, Residential College, or class (pending approval by the professor). The request form can be found here:
3) AlcoholEdu for College: The deadline for part 2 was February 21. Any students who have missed the deadline can go on to MyUSC and complete the training to remove the registration hold (for fall 2018 classes). If any additional assistance is needed, please email
USC Office for Wellness and Health Promotion