Operation Dissertation Acceleration (ODA) Applications Now Available – Due November 14

There are limited seats remaining in the Operation Dissertation Acceleration retreat.

ODA is an intensive writing retreat. It’s designed for doctoral students who need / want to set aside a serious block of time to make a significant push toward the next step of their dissertation.  The retreat is targeted toward students who:

  • Have research question(s) but have not been able to complete chapters 1, 2 and 3 (the proposal);  OR
  • Have defended their proposal and collected data, but have not completed chapters 4 and 5.

Retreat participants will be selected and assigned to work directly with a DSC writing instructor. The ratio of advisor to students will be 1-to-4, meaning students will have a great deal of support and interaction on their project. In addition, participants will exchange papers and support each other through peer-to-peer feedback.

Workshop Dates: Thursday – Sunday, Nov 30 – Dec 3, 2017 at USC Orange County Campus
Application Deadline: Tuesday, Nov 14
Acceptance Notification: Friday, Nov 17

For more information email Dr. Ilda Jimenez y West at ijimenez@usc.edu.

To apply:  https://usceducation.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dmwwuxb1yWPbG9D


Posted in Events.