Director of Innovation and Learning at Connecticut RISE Network On-Ramps is excited to share news of a new role at Connecticut RISE Network, theDirector of Innovation and Learning.Based in New Haven, the Director will be a senior leader overseeing RISE’s school support strategy, program model, and program staff, with responsibility for achieving positive student outcomes in close partnership with RISE districts. This is an exciting opportunity for an educational leader who thrives in an entrepreneurial environment, and is passionate about collaborating with high schools to develop the potential of all students regardless of life circumstance. We’ve included more information and a link to the position below and would appreciate your help in spreading the word. If you’re interested in continuing the conversation, we encourage you to apply here. Best regards, Team On-RampsDirector of Innovation and Learning at Connecticut RISE Network ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION The Connecticut RISE Network (RISE) is a Connecticut-based non-profit organization with a mission to empower educators to achieve breakthrough results, helping all students realize and achieve their full potential. Leveraging its innovative partnership model, RISE facilitates networked improvement communities by bringing together exceptional educators working in different contexts to advance shared goals. Together, RISE’s team is building community, democratizing innovation, and improving systems in public schools and districts.RISE districts and schools commit to sharing resources and expertise, pursuing innovative solutions, strengthening school and district systems, and empowering educators and leaders through continuous improvement. Currently, RISE represents a multi-year partnership between East Hartford, Meriden, New Haven, and Hartford Public Schools, serving 6,000 students across five high schools to support educators striving to ensure every RISE high school student graduates college and career ready. RISE will expand to a second network of high schools in fall 2019, bringing its direct student impact to nearly 15,000 students across 10-12 high schools. ABOUT THE ROLE The Director of Innovation & Learning (DIL) will be a senior leader overseeing RISE’s school support strategy, program model, and program staff, with responsibility for achieving positive student outcomes in close partnership with RISE districts. RISE is seeking a talented and highly motivated individual who is excited about delivering transformative results for students through the advancement of network-wide strategies, including strong college and career readiness practices.This is an exciting opportunity for an educational leader who thrives in an entrepreneurial environment, and is passionate about collaborating with high schools to develop the potential of all students regardless of life circumstance. Learn more and apply here. |
Rossier Welcome Back Event
Link to RSVP:
Rossier Welcome Back Social!
Rossier Student Org is having a Welcome Back Social and ALL Rossier Students are invited! See you there!
Follow Rossier Student Org on Facebook at

Save the Dates, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness Week, January 14-19, 2019, and Request for Proposals
The Provost’s Office is proud to announce our Third Annual Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Awareness
Week (DEI Week), scheduled for January 14-19, 2019. Our theme this year is Critical Conversations:
Advancing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at USC. This year’s theme challenges us to recommit to one of
USC’s key educational goals – to foster an environment that invites, engages, integrates and leverages
contributions from all quarters of our diverse community. To this end we will host a range of seminars,
training sessions, and roundtables addressing a variety of topics that will help us understand and truly
maximize the potential created by our different perspectives. We will also create opportunities for our
community to hear about the exciting scholarship and research our fellow USC colleagues have produced to
advance national conversations on diversity, inclusion, and equity. We invite interested parties to submit
session proposals to our dedicated interactive website, here. Proposals for specific sessions are being
accepted through November 14, 2018. We also ask that you save the date for the Third Annual Diversity,
Equity and Inclusion Awareness Reception, scheduled for Monday, January 14 from 4:00 PM to 6:30 PM.
As in previous years, DEI events will again cover a wide array of diversity topics, including gender, race,
disability status, first-generation status, sexual orientation, immigration status, nationality, veterans’ status
and gender identity. Programming will take a variety of forms including sponsored sessions and
professional development exercises. Our focus will be on providing sessions that assist the USC
community in negotiating, orchestrating and reflecting on difficult conversations about contentious DEI
issues. We will offer specific sessions featuring exercises designed to help faculty, staff, and students find
the skills and resources they need to better recognize, celebrate, and advocate for DEI in various contexts.
These contexts include managing classroom discussions, structuring DEI innovations in recruitment and
hiring efforts, constructing transparent and inclusive governance processes, as well as cultivating
meaningful dialogue about equity in all of the various spaces that play an important role in USC’s education
This year’s DEI Coordination team is expanding to ensure that we can provide offerings specifically
directed to the distinct and different needs of faculty, staff, alumni, and students. Our team welcomes Tanya
Adolph-Moran from Alumni Relations, who will assist with questions regarding alumni-focused proposals.
Our team also welcomes Jonathan Wang and Naddia Palacios in Student Services, who will assist with
questions regarding student-focused proposals. Professors Camille Gear Rich and Renee Smith-Maddox
will continue to field faculty, administrator and staff-focused proposals. All proposal questions should
sent to and will be routed to the appropriate party.
Faculty, administrators, alumni and student leaders especially likely to benefit from DEI Week
programming include:
● Persons that have served or are currently serving on search and hiring committees;
● Persons that have served or are currently serving on interview and selection panels for student
admissions, awards and scholarships;
● Persons that have served or would like to serve as a USC Diversity Liaison, or persons that would
like to serve on student, alumni or faculty development committees;
● Persons teaching classes or serving as teaching assistants in courses where diversity, equity, and
inclusion are subject matter topics;
● Persons that would like to update or enhance course offerings to better address and explore DEI
issues as they arise in the classroom and/or office environment;
● Persons that provide services to highly diverse student populations;
● Persons interested in exploring new strategies and best practices to increase diversity in enrollment
and hiring;
● Persons that have received criticism about potential bias or insensitivity to others;
● Persons planning new educational initiatives, business innovations, or research projects and want to
explore whether these new ventures are properly responsive to potential DEI issues.
Proposals for specific sessions are being accepted through November 14, 2018. Interested parties
should access the DEI web link provided here, via our interactive platform. The submission form will also
be available via our website, here. Please have the following information ready for your submission:
1. Session title and fifty-word abstract outlining the subject matter and objectives of your session.
2. Session type: live vs. online session, and expected number of participants
3. Technology requirements
4. Release permitting USC to record the event and post to our on-line training library
5. Presenters’ exact titles and institutional affiliations, and a summary specifying any relevant special
qualifications of the presenters.
Financial support is available on a limited basis for artistic performances, installations, and other special
programming. Lunch funding will be provided upon request for sessions with 10 participants or more and
hosted during the lunchtime hour.
Preference in the selection process will be given to sessions that offer the following:
1. Adopt a how-to approach outlining a specific practice, strategy, or model
2. Engage participants with evidence of “what works”
3. Facilitate reflection and foster engagement that helps translate abstract ideas into practice
4. Advance the DEI initiatives in a particular school, unit or course
5. Foster discovery and problem solving through idea sharing and community building, and encourage
immediate short term as well as long term dialogue
For further questions, feel free to email the organizers at
Message from President Austin regarding the CA fires
Dear USC community,
The terribly destructive fires that have ravaged California this past week have directly and profoundly affected the USC community.
Some members of our community live in areas that have been evacuated, or have sustained tremendous damage, while many more have been feeling significant stress and worry about family members, loved ones, and friends who reside in these areas, and who now may be facing difficult recoveries. We understand and share your concern and want to help however we can.
We are monitoring the developments closely, and are in the process of contacting those whom we know have been directly affected. If you have not been contacted, and are in need of assistance or support, I encourage you to consider these resources:
- Faculty, students, and staff in need of assistance, including crisis support, can contact USC Support and Advocacy at (213) 821-4710.
- Students who would like counseling services can contact (213) 740-9355 (WELL).
- Faculty and staff who are seeking support can contact the Center for Work and Family Life at (213) 821-0800.
- If you are concerned about a fellow Trojan who may be struggling with personal difficulties, you can anonymously and privately contact Trojans Care for Trojans (TC4T) at:
We often say that Trojans care for Trojans, and this is especially true in times of crisis. We are here for each other, and come together as a community as we face adversity. I am continually heartened to see the compassion of our Trojan Family, and the healing power of its bonds.
Wanda M. Austin
Interim President
The future of education (Rossier Update)
SAVE THE DATE for a candidate job talk: Adrian Huerta
Please join us on Tuesday, December 4th for a job talk.
All faculty, staff and students are invited to attend from
12:30 – 1:30 p.m. in Dauterive LL 101
Refreshments will be served.
Adrian Huerta, Ph.D.
Provost’s Post-Doctoral Scholar, USC Rossier School of Education
Gangs and college knowledge: An examination of Latino male students in urban schools
Adrian Huerta is a Provost Postdoctoral Scholar in the USC Pullias Center for Higher Education. At Pullias, he works on projects related to college access for males of color in high schools, community colleges, and four-year colleges and universities. His work appears in Teachers College Record, Journal of College Student Development, Journal of The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition, and other practitioner monographs.
Huerta was selected as a Poverty Scholar-in-Residence at the University of Washington, West Coast Poverty Center. He earned his doctorate and master’s in higher education and organizational change at University of California, Los Angeles, a master’s in educational policy and leadership at The Ohio State University, and a bachelor’s degree in human services counseling from University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Rossier Research News, NOVEMBER, 2018
Scholars of Color Lecture Series: Dr. Stella Flores, Thursday Dec 6 from 3pm-4pm
USC Rossier Scholars of Color Research Lecture Series: Dr. Stella Flores, New York University
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Waite Phillips Hall 403 3pm-4pm
“Racial equity pathways to college and state policy: New and Missed Opportunities.”
Stop by Study On! @ UPC to help you get through finals!
WHO: ALL UPC Students
WHEN: Mon – Wed, 12/3 – 12/5, 1-4p each day
WHERE: Leavey Library
WHAT: Free snacks/refreshments, study tips, slime making, stress-relief activities, therapy dogs, and Beau – USC’s Wellness dog
Check out the full schedule at
or on Facebook at