Earthquake Preparedness & Great California ShakeOut Earthquake Drill 2017


To:            All USC Students

From:        Student Affairs

Date:         October 16, 2017

Subject:    Earthquake Preparedness & Great California ShakeOut Earthquake Drill 2017

Every region around the world is susceptible to natural disasters.  Earthquakes are one of the biggest concerns we have in California and knowing what to do and taking steps to prepare is important for everyone.  The University of Southern California is pleased to participate in the 10th annual Great California ShakeOut Earthquake Drill on Thursday October 19, 2017 at 10:19am.   (

Whether you are in class on 10/19 at 10:19am or in a lab, residence hall, or apartment, you are encouraged to practice “Drop, Cover, and Hold On.”  In an earthquake, the main hazard will be objects falling such as bookcases, light fixtures, equipment, or other heavy items.  The safest action to take during the earthquake is to drop down, get under a desk or table, and hold on until the earthquake stops.  Do not panic and run.  To learn more about procedures for earthquakes and other types of emergencies, please watch the USC Emergency Procedures Video at

All students are also encouraged to:

To learn more about emergency preparedness at USC, please visit


Thank you and Fight On!


Posted in Campus Resources, Events.