Dissertation defenses and qualifying exams

For those of you planning to schedule a qualifying exam (proposal defense) or final dissertation defense, please work with your dissertation chair to do so. You may find that some committees opt for virtual sessions rather than in-person sessions as accommodations during the COVID-19 outbreak.


Students who started the EdD program in 2017 or later will receive information about the new uploading platform once it’s available later in March.

Students who started the EdD program in 2016 or earlier will upload to the Graduate School’s Thesis Center. They provided the information below.



How can I defend my dissertation if COVID-19 affects my ability to meet with my dissertation committee in person?

Remote participation in a dissertation or thesis defense is always an option for a limited number of committee members.  With the approval of the student, committee chair, and the dean of the school, the defense can be conducted entirely through Zoom or other videoconferencing tool.  The standard rules apply to the defense.  This means that all committee members must be part of the same defense “meeting,” whether they are on campus or remote.


How can I submit my dissertation if COVID-19 affects my ability to function on campus?

Dissertation checklists and manuscripts are submitted electronically via Thesis Center (http://graduateschool.usc.edu/current-students/thesis-dissertation-submission/) and are not affected by the location of the student.


How can I take the oral portion of my qualifying exam if COVID-19 affects my ability to meet with my exam committee?

Remote participation in the oral portion of a qualifying exam is always an option for a limited number of committee members.  With the approval of the student, committee chair, and the dean of the school, the defense can be conducted entirely through Zoom or other videoconferencing tool.  The standard rules apply to the exam.  This means that all committee members must be part of the same exam “meeting,” whether they are on campus or remote.


How can my advisor submit an academic petition on my behalf to the Graduate School if COVID-19 affects the university’s functions on campus?

Petitions are submitted by advisors online and are not affected by the location of the student or the advisor.


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